The overall objective of the project is to foster data use and reuse in the context of the
European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and to improve its accessibility and usability
by farmers, policy makers and third parties such as SMEs.
The project will provide an open community platform for sharing solutions in the Integrated
Administration and Control System (IACS) domain for the CAP through the Linked Open
Data paradigm. This will include generic services to facilitate end-user access to HPC
capabilities by managing different HPC providers via a technological architecture that
processes service level agreements to seamlessly assign jobs to the different providers
involved in Open IACS infrastructure.
More specifically, the project will:
1 Design a network of interoperable Linked Open Data (LOD) End-points considering
information for Agri-environmental management of IACS policies.
2 Implement the common agri-environmental LOD infrastructure for IACS policy
management by means of increasing HPCs capabilities.
3 Demonstrate the usefulness of this infrastructure through its application in different
scenarios of use.
The outcomes expected are:
1. facilitate the provision of information services for citizens, farmers and policy makers
to support farmers’ activities and decision-making;
2. improve the management of biodiversity associated with the development of crops in
the scope of the CAP;
3. facilitate climate change mitigation, and adaptation to its effects.